Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony Leadership on the realization of a world without nuclear weapons August 6th 9:34

On the 6th, 74 years after the atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, the Peace Memorial Ceremony of Hiroshima City was held. Mayor Matsumi Kazumi said in the Declaration of Peace, I asked the Japanese government to take a further step toward the realization of a world without nuclear weapons and to demonstrate leadership.

The Peace Memorial Ceremony was held at 8:00 am in the Peace Park in Hiroshima City, and was attended by about 50,000 people, including representatives from 92 countries, the second most so far after 2015.

At the ceremony, 319,186 A-bomb survivors with 5068 names added, including those who died in the past year or newly confirmed deaths, were placed in the A-bomb memorial.

Then, at 8:15 am when the atomic bomb was dropped, all the attendees offered a silence.

The peace declaration of Kotobuki was quoted for the first time by a survivor's tanka, and was bombed when Mayor Matsui Kazumi Matsui from Hiroshima City was 5 years old. I read "The mother embraced my sister in the flowing blood splash to Ashura."

On that basis, Mayor Matsui said, “As the only war-hit country, I hope that the A-bomb survivors want to sign and ratify the nuclear weapons ban treaty, and take the Japanese government one step further to realize a world without nuclear weapons. Asked to demonstrate leadership.

On the other hand, Prime Minister Abe stated that “the gap between countries' positions is expanding over nuclear disarmament” and that he did not touch on the nuclear weapons ban treaty, and tried to bridge between nuclear and non-nuclear weapon states. "I am determined to encourage the dialogue and lead the efforts of the international community."

The bombed area, the city of Hiroshima, will be surrounded by prayers to commemorate the victims, and will appeal to the world without nuclear weapons both in Japan and overseas.