Summer is often the time of aperitifs and hangovers. To recover from an evening a little too watered, there are however some tricks.


Every weekend of the summer, Europe 1 is interested in the little sores of the holidays. On the menu this week: how to get a hangover after a drink too wet? Jimmy Mohamed, emergency doctor, chronicler at Europe 1 and author of Waiting for the doctor ... (Flammarion) gives some advice.

Find these tips, and many more, Sunday from 10am to 11am, in Your Health Wellness Magazine, presented by Mélanie Gomez, on Europe 1

What happens in our body when we have a hangover?

Headache, nausea, tiredness ... after an evening too wet, our body is put to the test. "These are the physical symptoms of a lack of alcohol, signs of withdrawal," says Jimmy Mohamed. "Your body has already gotten used to alcohol, it has received a lot of alcohol and suddenly it has been weaned, and when you wake up, you feel bad because you are lacking in alcohol. one of the first signs of dependence when it becomes recurrent, "he points out.

Alcohol also has the effect of dehydrating us. "And it causes hypoglycemia," says the doctor. On the other hand, one can not assimilate the hangover to a crisis of liver, assures it. "After a big wet evening, we could find inflammation in the liver but it does not hurt."

What are the reflexes to adopt?

The first is to hydrate. "You have to drink water, a fruit juice ... all that is not alcoholic and contains a little sugar, because hypoglycemia gives headache," says Jimmy Mohamed. "The ideal is also to drink a little water between two glasses of alcohol during the evening".

The other reflex is to try not to mix the alcohols. "Because the risk of having headaches and vomiting is higher, it aggravates the symptoms," insists the doctor. According to him, it is also useless to be vomited in the morning: "the alcohol is in the blood, so it's too late".

Treating the bad with the bad by drinking alcohol in the morning is not advised either. "It's a stupidity, we think that as we are lacking we will take a little alcohol.It is true that it could pass the symptoms but it is one of the steps to addiction. 'is sliding towards a dangerous slope,' warns Jimmy Mohamed.

What should I eat?

For the doctor, it is not necessarily necessary to deprive yourself of fat. "Eating what makes you happy and what you think you can digest," advises Jimmy Mohamed. "Avoid all that is acidic, this is not the time to take lemon juice.Also avoid anti-inflammatories such as aspirin and paracetamol.This is toxic to a liver that has already been in pain."

Do sports, is it a good idea?

After an alcoholic night, the night can be complicated. "The best treatment in this case is to sleep and wait for it to pass in. It takes time for the alcohol to decrease in the blood," says the doctor. He also recommends doing a little walk "to revive the cardiovascular system" and eliminate. On the other hand, it is not the moment to make a big session of sport, "the risk would then be to hurt himself", he adds.