Over the summer, high temperatures are a major problem for older people in particular. Older people can face summer problems by drinking water enough, eating fresh healthy food, and protecting from the sun.

Kristina Sofinsky, of the German Association for the Assistance of the Elderly, said that summer may be very dangerous to the elderly, due to lack of drinking fluids, due to decreased feeling of thirst as you age. The first signs of lack of fluid are: headaches, poor concentration, and mental confusion.


The elderly nutritionist, Teresa Stakhlscheid, said that older people should drink at least 1.2 liters of water a day, noting that this amount can also increase slightly in the summer, and also vary according to physical activity, and there are cases where it is not permissible to drink Water is abundant, such as kidney damage and heart failure.

So, for example, you can fill in the right amount of water in the morning, put it in a visible and noticeable place, or commit to drinking a glass of water with each meal.

In turn, the German family doctor, Ingrid Denzel, pointed out that water is the best drink for the body to get the fluids necessary for its functional processes, but you can also add some flavors to the water so that you do not feel bored, adding some mint or orange slices or ginger. Juice can be added to water by one-third of juice and two-thirds of water, thus restoring the body's electrolyte, which is lost with sweat.

Sun protection

Denzel warned older people to go out in the morning or the day without protection from the sun; in addition to the head cover, a protective sunscreen with SPF protection factor should be used, not less than 30.

healthy food

Healthy food is best suited for the summer. A lot of vegetables and fruits, which supply the body with important vitamins and minerals, should be taken into consideration. Vegetables and fruits should be taken fresh and quickly before they are spoiled to avoid health problems such as diarrhea, which is a major problem for the elderly in particular. Suvinsky pointed out that the summer also has positive aspects, as sunlight treats depression for example, and exposure to the sun helps the body to produce vitamin "D" important for bone health.

• Summer has many positive aspects, as sunlight treats depression, and exposure to sunlight helps the body produce vitamin D, which is important for bone health.