As soon as the lists of names of those entitled to stand for election to the FNC were announced, many were quick to announce their desire to run, although the door of candidacy had not yet been opened, and this urgency certainly contravened the Council's rules requiring the adoption of names before candidacy. To launch its warnings, and end this behavior!

This simple behavior gives us a clear indication that there is no parliamentary culture. More importantly, many of those who have declared their candidacy in informal ways and who will be officially nominated lack the experience, information, knowledge and awareness of the importance of the National Council's work, its role and the specifications it must have. Member!

The National Council is not «Prestige», which is not just a public speech in the national and popular affairs, and is not a «Bchta» and coverage and information appearing in the Councils, and certainly is not just external visits, and attend events and official events, and sit in the front rows, , A "red" passport, and a life-long pension, is much more important and larger. It is the fourth federal authority in the country. It bears the supervisory role of the executive branch and carries a "representative function".

The ability to speak and express is one of the most important qualities that a member of the Council must have. The Federal National Council is a center for permanent dialogue on the national interests of the Union. Its work is based on popular participation in the decision-making process at the federal level. Be an active member of the board!

However, talk and discussion during meetings, media dialogues, councils and symposia are not everything, and there is more important than it is the aspect of the legislative function of the Council. It means the authority of the Council to discuss constitutional amendments and draft laws which the Council may approve or amend. Or his authority to make observations as to the international treaties and conventions he refers to and to the conventions and treaties referred to him by the Head of State. Finally, the Council has the right to discuss the annual general budget of the Union and its final accounts and to make any comments thereon.

These responsibilities are very serious, linked to the fate of a whole people, the relations of the state with other countries, and the citizen who has no experience in these areas, it certainly will not be a useful member neither for his or his state nor for those who elected him and brought him to the membership of the Council!

Therefore, all voters and candidates must realize that the membership of the Council is a major national responsibility. It is not a "silent" task with many advantages, as many believe. As the UAE National Council plays a role of "multiple representation" (77) of the Constitution of the United Arab Emirates: "A member of the Federal Council shall represent all the people of the Union, not only the Emirate he represents within the Council." Therefore, the responsibility is multiplied by all voters in the UAE. You will elect him in your UAE will affect all citizens State, Vohassanoa choice and do not give your votes only to those who deserve!

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