There is a great need these days for travel provisions, because people who take advantage of the summer vacation and warm up to travel in search of rest and recreation, yet they keep their prayers, and their ethics are steadfast, and to the satisfaction of their Lord look forward, we ask God to us and their success, and we will store them God who does not waste his deposits .

The first thing to do is to know the ruling on traveling. It may be obedience, or it is permissible or disobedient. If the performance of obedience is from a person who is wearing a womb or asking for knowledge, it is a journey of obedience.

If it is for the purpose of entertainment, rest, recuperation or hospitalization, it is permissible travel, and it may turn to obedience if it is intended to look at the kingdom of Allaah and to deduce it from its ability and the beauty of making it, as is permissible, if one wants the face of Allaah. "God loves to have his license as he likes to leave his disobedience."

It may be motivated by sins and disobeying the duties; it is a travel sin from travel to return from it, or repentance of this intention and malpractice, and this type does not permit the licensing of some of the travel licenses so as not to suffer the sin.

And travel is licensed by eight jurists, the most important here:

And it is a requirement for him to be in the text of the verse And he has the right to pray on her face in the plane, and he may delay them until his arrival if he knows That he will arrive and the second time remains, and starts the first and then the second unless he feared the departure of the second time, he feared the first and spent the first If he was staying in the country where he arrived for a period of residence which is four days other than the day of arrival and travel, his travel permits were canceled from the time of arrival, although he was less than that, or was expected to travel every day, or was traveling between And between the country and the other a short distance;

One of the most important provisions of travel is to investigate halal food and drink. This is one of the most important problems faced by Muslims in non-Muslim countries. Halal is mixed with others, or suspected or not, in meat or fat. The Muslim must be very careful about what he enters. In his heart, the command of Allaah in that is certain and severe. He enjoined eating Halal, and forbidding the dead, blood, pork, and what is permissible for him except for Allaah. He is strangled, mummified, maimed and slaughtered. These types are the most non-Muslim meat of the country. If he does not find it, and Allaah has permitted him to catch the sea or legumes The other is richer than those malignancies.

It is a duty for the Muslim traveler to be careful to know the times and determine the direction of the qiblah, and not to occupy him with his prayers and excursions from the statutes of Allaah. Rather, he keeps the prayers so that every place in God's land will be worshiped by God as a witness to him at his Lord.

One of the most important tasks is that the Muslim, in the non-Muslim countries, senses that he is a messenger of peace, love and harmony for mankind. He shows them the virtues of Islam and its morals and its great values ​​in peaceful coexistence and fruitful cooperation for human interests.

And do not overlook the Azkhar and the prayer of travel, the invitation of the traveler is responsive, what I stand to fortify the memory of dangers and Touareg night and day!

Peace be upon you, and your response is generous.

«Chief Inspector of the Department of Ifta in Dubai»

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