In the case of alleged gang rape on an 18-year-old in Freiburg, the prosecution has indicted an eleventh suspect. The agency said that a 21-year-old Syrian had been charged with the juvenile chamber of the district court. The adolescents are charged with rape and failure to provide assistance.

He is said to have belonged to a group of men who allegedly raped a young woman near a discotheque in Freiburg's industrial area North in October 2018. The case triggered horror throughout Germany.

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Thomas Niedermueller / Getty ImagesMuch rape in Freiburg in the bushes

Already in February, the prosecutor's office sued the two alleged main culprits at the age of 22 and 23 years. In March, the prosecution of eight other suspects followed.

According to a spokeswoman for the prosecutor's office, the investigations are still underway against a twelfth suspect. He was already identified. After another suspected culprit is searched with a phantom image.