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"The most hated halal when God divorce" Prophet's Hadith Sharif summarizes the seriousness of resolving the marriage node between husband and wife and, rather, if the spouses sons and daughters, where it becomes more painful and more striking on the wider group surrounding the institution of marriage. Divorce, according to the provisions of Tunisian legislation, is the solution of the marriage contract, whether by mutual consent of the couple or at the request of one of the spouses because of the harm that occurred to him or in the latter case, based on the husband's desire to establish the divorce.

Divorce should be left only from need. It is halaal, not haraam, but it is haraam, because of the distinction between men and their families. The believer should not resort to divorce if there is a trick in leaving divorce. In order to limit the divorce process within the Tunisian society, the Tunisian legislator resorted to banning more than one marriage and then to preventing marriage without official books or what is called customary marriage. Finally, divorce is a matter of principle.

If this happens, the husband is liable to spend on the wife when it is necessary, and then this spending extends both legally and legally to those who are in custody, both daughters and daughters. The husband is usually obliged to pay the wife a fine, And it is estimated by the court on the basis of a specific legal schedule that may prejudice the husband's right to a private reality if his income is limited or absent.

In any case, it is impossible to ignore an important factor that has contributed significantly to the rise in divorce rates in Tunisia. This is called marriage of interest, where one party is married in a way that is almost traditional,

Although the restrictions imposed by the Tunisian legislature to limit the phenomenon of divorce in Tunisian families, the statistics conducted annually confirm the contrary, where the number of divorce cases decided during the judicial year 2014-2015 within the limits of 14982 cases at the rate of 1248 divorces per month and 41 divorces per day and one case every 3 hours, which is for my age is alarming and calls for confusion and surprise at the same time.

The divorce index in Tunisia increased steadily in 2018 to reach 17,000 divorces, making most of the components of civil society, and behind them human rights activists and social workers, launching a shriek for the sake of speed in searching for the causes of this family disintegration. To the extent of family intervention in the affairs of the couple as well as the absence of sex culture in both candidates for marriage, which makes avoiding the surprises of the first night of marriage impossible, if we add another reason seems to have contributed a short time to the demolition of what remained of family ties in Tunisia In the technological task Napoleon represented the boom that occurred on the cybernetic network and social networks, configure virtual parallel families as well as the level of realism families creating an imbalance in the function of an irrevocable couple in the family and threatened to Rabat family final extinction.

It is also impossible to ignore any other factor that contributed significantly to the rise in divorce rates in Tunisia, namely the marriage of interest where the marriage of one of the parties in a way that is almost traditional Ddnha and the family and prestige in the community or in search of material advantages at the expense of the emotional. The causes of divorce in Tunisia can not be limited in any case, but some of them are apparent, but this does not mean that there are no other reasons such as marital violence, sexual failure, abuse of children or refusal to spend on the family. All these reasons may automatically push the institution of marriage into its own destiny, which is the quick end. Therefore, the most important question posed by the Tunisian citizen today is to what extent has the personal status legislation in Tunisia succeeded in reducing the phenomenon of divorce and the absence of families of disintegration and disappearance?