Yen exchange rate small movement August 14 18:41

On the 14th, the Tokyo foreign exchange market and the yen exchange rate were small.

The yen exchange rate as of 5 pm was JPY 106-75 to JPY 76, which is 12 yen weaker than the 13th.

Against the euro, the euro was weaker by 14 yen compared to the 13th, from 1 euro = 125.97 yen to 126.11 yen.

The euro was $1.1800 to $02 per euro against the dollar.

A market official said, "In the morning, expectations for improvement in the employment environment in the United States led to a move to buy dollars, and the dollar was temporarily held at the level of 107 yen per dollar. Since some investors were worried about the future of the world economy, the overall price movements were limited.”