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2020, Year I of the


among other things, has been the one with the most


in the history of Spain since 1906, the first for which there is data: 3,941 people sent to death because of their grief, boredom and hopelessness.

11 a day.

One every two and a quarter hours.

We are talking about the

first cause of unnatural death in Spain


And in young people between 15 and 29 years old, the first after tumors by 30 people of difference.

Completed suicide almost triples (2.7) for the first time the number of deaths

from traffic accidents


And it produces 13.6 times more deaths than


and 90

times more

than gender


in its death result.

Although in relative terms, 2014 showed 8.31 suicides per 100,000 inhabitants out of a population of 46.5 million people, the 8.27 of 2020 per 100,000 inhabitants out of 47.3 million means that there have never been so many self-


in Spain .

The 3,941 suicides in 2020 represent

an increase of 7.4%

compared to 2019. And that means 270 more deaths in a single year.


Was it the pandemic?




is a contextual risk factor that adds to the multicausality of suicide. Covid does not generate suicide, it is one more factor. And, having said that, the pandemic has affected the

risk factors

that we already knew and has threatened

protection factors

, such as social cohesion. We will need more years to empirically prove that Covid influences. The hypothesis is that it does. But it is not inevitable. We are on time.

State plans

and prevention policies

must be approved

now. "

It is the clinical psychologist

Miguel Guerrero

, head of the Unit for Prevention and Intensive Intervention in Suicidal Behavior and coordinator of the Community Mental Health Unit of Marbella, who embeds these quotes to summarize the incidence of the pandemic: "Covid is a storm that we have all crossed, but some by yacht and others in a rowboat. The pandemic has not been democratic, it has affected the most vulnerable more. "

Drawing on his own therapies and collective research, Guerrero sees what has happened in 2020. And it is a lot: "The risk factors for suicide have increased.

Mental disorders






insomnia have increased

... And serious mental disorders have worsened due to

healthcare barriers

, the drop in presence, poor telemedicine ... The health system has put up many barriers. Resources allocated to Covid have been diverted to the detriment of

Primary Care

and Mental Health The

economic situation

, unemployment and loss of income generate uncertainties and many problems.

Historically, we know that a 1% increase in unemployment generates a 0.8% increase in suicide rates.

I can provide therapy, but not a house and there are people who come to the consultation by car because they live in the car.

Drug and alcohol consumption has also grown, an important factor especially in young people.

And, finally,

traumatic experiences

have had a cost: grief, illness itself, domestic and gender violence ... All this, together with loneliness, has caused people to get caught up in problems.

And think more about taking your own life. "

The data collected by the


near the end of 2021 speak of a 2020 with sad records.

For the first time there are more than 1,000 deaths of women and suicide in children doubles

Although, as in all countries,


(2,930) continue to commit suicide three times more than


(1,011) and they try three times more than they (Suicide Observatory in Spain), this is the first time that the

1,000 deaths in women


Suicide in women aged 50 to 59 (254) has risen 27%.

In just 12 months, suicide in people

over 80 years

(548) has risen 20%.

And this own death has

doubled in people

under 15 years of age

, the first time that 14 girls and boys commit suicide: 7 in 2019 and 14 in 2020.

"The Covid has generated



psychological and physical dramas

, loss of family members, socioeconomic instability,




, difficulty in emotional regulation in people who had previous or supervening problems and

lack of attention

to those who were in treatment. And all that,

without social channeling

. We expected record highs due to the characteristics of 2020 and so far in 2021. "

The clinical psychologist

Luis Fernando López

is co-director of the ISNISS Project for the investigation of self-destructive behaviors, self-harm and suicide of the Health Psychology Doctoral Program of the


, coordinator of the

Let's talk about ... suicide Program


the Official College of Psychology of Madrid

, member and founding partner of the

Spanish Society of Suicidology

and author of publications such as

Dueling, self-injury and suicidal behavior


"There are very serious data. That of the elderly is linked to




, common factors but aggravated by the pandemic. And that of those under 15 years of age indicates that it is not true that the kids have coped well with the pandemic. It is said but it is a lie. We see many


, emotional disorders, eating




and suicidal ideation, a more common thought about death than there was before. I see it in consultation. "

Although figures are still lacking, experts believe that the increase in suicides in 2020 is extensible to other countries, an effect of the global pandemic and its crises.

But if we talk about ours, the X-ray made by the

Spanish Foundation for Suicide Prevention

reveals that in April 2020 (hard confinement) there were 18% fewer suicides than in April 2019 and in August (de-escalated), 34% more than in August of the previous year. "A significant decrease in coherence with the generalized traffic accidents and homicides caused by the confinement was expected for 2020 (since this makes suicide difficult both on public roads, because it was forbidden to wander through it, and in homes, since it was However, it seems that after confinement there has been a

rebound effect

. "

The suicide cartography shows


in the lead, but with a proportional increase it places another community on the cusp of this death: in the

Basque Country,

suicides have increased by 30% in one year.

And what about attempts and ideations?

What about untold death?


Suicide Observatory in Spain

cites the WHO and other epidemiological studies to calculate about 20 completed suicide attempts and between 5% and 10% of people with suicidal ideation at some point in their life.

"This means that in a year there could be around

80,000 suicide attempts in Spain

and that between two and four million people have suicidal ideation throughout their lives. Spain does not have any state plan or strategy for the prevention of suicide" .

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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