It was at the end of July that Wilma's ex-boyfriend was convicted of murder for his refusal by Uddevalla District Court. According to the district court, it has been a matter of severe violence and that the course of events was not entirely short-lived but associated with a strong fear of death and suffering. The fact that the murdered 17-year-old's body has not been found has led to continued suffering for the victim's relatives.

The man's lawyers have previously said that they will want to appeal the verdict, but now it has been decided.

Will appeal

The man's lawyers, Beatrice Rämsell and Peter Olsson, have previously said that the verdict will possibly be appealed, this week they will meet for a meeting.

- We will sit down and talk about this, says Peter Olsson.

It was in November last year that 17-year-old Wilma disappeared from her home in Uddevalla. Her ex-boyfriend was arrested shortly afterwards. The girl's head was found in the man's home the same month and even today the man has not been able to explain how her body part ended up there.