Many people think that once the bread is kept in a plastic bag in the freezer, it is completely safe from being moldy or changing the smell and taste, but in fact, all kinds of baked goods pick up odors from the food packages adjacent to them in the freezer, and then the taste of baked goods of all kinds changes. How do you store the baked goods correctly and for the longest period of time?

Whether baked goods and pastries are homemade or purchased from bakeries, the methods of preservation should not be random, especially since home baked goods do not contain preservatives, and thus their validity is affected by several factors.

And baked goods mean bread, cakes, pies and pastries.

Bread preparation

If you use a limited number of loaves in one meal, there is no need to put the entire amount of bread in one bag, as the loaves can be distributed and wrapped in multiple bags, or one loaf is cut into several separate slices that suit your daily use.

Freezing time

How long do you freeze baked goods?

The first step is to determine how long you will keep your baked goods in the freezer.

This is the key to determining not only the shelf life and flavour of bread, but how to prepare it in the freezer.

If you intend to keep the bread for less than a month, the baked goods must be wrapped in one tight layer of rubber plastic, but if you want to extend the storage period, it is better to use the double wrap method, to prevent the bread from burning inside the freezer, i.e. the burning of the edges or the outer layer of the bread as a result of the decrease Extreme freezer temperature.

This way, the bread won't pick up any weird odors or freezer burn.

It is always best to store baked goods in the freezer and use them no longer than 3 months, to preserve their flavor and crispness.

Packaging method

The most common method is to wrap the frozen bread by using a layer of plastic wrap as tightly as possible, to protect the bread from the cold air in the freezer.

Other materials such as freezer storage bags can be used as reusable silicone bags.

Do your best to get rid of the excess air so that the bread stays fresh.

There is no need to put the entire amount of bread in one bag, as the loaves can be distributed and wrapped in multiple bags (pixels).

The second layer for long storage time

If you do not plan carefully in advance or are not sure if the bread will be used within 30 days, it should be covered with an additional layer of plastic wrap, a strong layer of aluminum foil, a large freezer-safe container with an airtight lid, or silicone multi-use bags.

Quick Freeze

One of the most common mistakes is freezing baked goods in one package, which means that they come out of the freezer after days as a single lump that is difficult to separate, and then the pieces are deformed, especially cakes, donuts and other pastries

Therefore, make sure to place the baked goods separately, either in the individual packaging or by placing "butterfly" between the layers to separate them in the freezer and prevent them from sticking.

One of the most common mistakes is freezing baked goods together in one package (pixels).

How to take bread out of the freezer

The process of storing bread may seem easy and efficient, but you may be quick to thaw frozen bread when using it, and you will have to use the microwave.

Undoubtedly, it is a magic solution to use the bread minutes after extracting it from the freezer, but in fact this step causes the bread to dry out and harden and change its texture and then taste, so it is best to leave the frozen bread at room temperature for a period ranging from 10 minutes to an hour , according to the type of bread and its hardness.

But remember that fresh bread should not be left at room temperature for more than 3 days, in order to avoid rotting and spoiling.