A mosquito in the middle of a meal (illustration).


P. Huguen / AFP

  • Mosquitoes have been virulent for several days, in particular on the banks of the Loire.

  • The main suspect is the

    aedes caspius

    , an "aggressive" mosquito capable of migrating.

"We're getting eaten!"

The testimonies of Nantais complaining of an invasion of mosquitoes have multiplied in recent days.

The inhabitants of the banks of the Loire seem the most subject to attacks and the bites that go with them, sometimes even during the day.

Enough to spoil the aperitifs and moments of relaxation for those who thought they were enjoying the good weather after a frankly disappointing month of August.

A phenomenon which has "nothing abnormal on the estuary" according to Michel Marjolet, member of the scientific council of the national agency for mosquito control and the management of natural spaces (Adege), even if we are "probably on a particularly important episode ”.

"Capable of migrating over several tens of kilometers"

Heavy rains in late August, tides and above normal heat created "optimal conditions" for the breeding of the

aedes caspius

, the main suspect of the ongoing invasion, while the mosquito family numbers several. dozens of species in France.

"It is a very aggressive anthropophilic mosquito, that's why people show up a lot," explains the specialist.

He avoids the dodger but readily stings in the middle of the day.

It lays between 300 and 400 eggs on a substrate that will be covered by water, meadows along the Loire for example.

And it will be able to migrate several tens of kilometers when the winds are favorable to it.

The mosquito that we see on Nantes terraces can therefore come from afar.


"There could be a second wave"

If it can be confused with the tiger mosquito (

aedes albopictus

, also present in Loire-Atlantique) because of its stripes, the

aedes caspius itself

is “not a vector of disease for humans”.

Only the female stings and she only does it once, "unless she has been disturbed".

However, its bite can be painful.

"We must try not to scratch to avoid superinfection," advises Michel Marjolet, retired doctor.

Can the people of Nantes quickly chill on the terrace without being attacked?

Not sure.

High tides (coefficient 113) are expected on Saturday.

“The water will rise again.

If the temperature holds, there could be a second wave a fortnight later.


Spotted for two years in Loire-Atlantique, the tiger mosquito is however still not very widespread.

A potential transmitter of diseases such as dengue or chikungunya, it is the subject of surveillance by the regional health agency (ARS).

Small in size, it stings especially during the day.


Tiger mosquito: How to recognize it, report its presence and prevent its spread


Nantes: The free party installed in Basse-Goulaine continues until Sunday evening

  • Mosquito

  • Rain

  • Nantes

  • Virus