What can I do to save you, the sleep of the workplace

  "I am very sleepy, but my eyes are like copper bells." "Eat the most expensive health care products and stay up the deepest night"... With the arrival of the International Sleep Day on March 21, many research reports on sleep have been released.

These reports show that sleep difficulties have become a common problem faced by contemporary workers.

  According to the "China Sleep Research Report (2022)" jointly released by the Institute of Sociology of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Social Science Literature Publishing House and other institutions, in the past 10 years, Chinese people fell asleep more than two hours later, and their sleep time decreased by 1.5 Only 35% of Chinese people can sleep for 8 hours, especially for new mothers, students and professionals.

  "The more I want to fall asleep, the more I can't sleep"

  "I usually don't go to bed until about 2:00 in the morning. From 9:00 in the morning, I can sleep for about 7 hours." Xiaozhang, who works in an Internet company in Beijing, told reporters that due to the need to follow up on work projects from time to time, it is right to go to bed before 24:00. It's almost "mission impossible" for him.

  A "2022 China Workplace Youth Sleep Quality Report" formed by a random survey of users on Zhaopin and a social application site shows that 52% of young people in the workplace fall asleep later than 24:00.

  38-year-old policeman Wang Yu (pseudonym) is also troubled by difficulty falling asleep.

"I'm afraid of missing the police call, and I won't be able to fall asleep without the police," Wang Yu told reporters. "The more I want to fall asleep, the more I can't sleep."

  "Nearly three-quarters of the respondents had trouble sleeping." The "2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper" jointly launched by the China Sleep Research Association and Rousseau shows that the proportion of respondents who can't sleep every day, often and occasionally Over 73%.

  Nearly 70% of night sleep is related to mobile phones

  "I don't know if this counts as obsessive-compulsive disorder before going to bed. I must be looking at my phone before going to bed." Mr. Jiang, who works in IT (information technology) in Fuzhou, told reporters.

Xiaozhang is also highly dependent on mobile phones.

He told reporters that he often played with his mobile phone while charging at night, "swiping short videos, watching Weibo, chatting with friends, and sometimes falling asleep while swiping."

  According to the "2022 Chinese National Healthy Sleep White Paper", nearly 70% of night sleep is related to mobile phones. Playing mobile phones, playing games, and chasing dramas have become the top three reasons for sleeping late.

  Mr. Jiang told reporters that sometimes he would wake up suddenly, "as if there was something unfinished, and inexplicably fell into anxiety."

  Fan Tengteng, deputy director of the Sleep Medicine Department of Peking University Sixth Hospital, told reporters that playing mobile phones before going to bed can indeed lead to insomnia.

On the one hand, when people swipe videos and play games on their mobile phones, the cerebral cortex is in a state of excitement, and entering sleep requires the cerebral cortex to be in a relaxed state; on the other hand, the blue light released by the mobile phone screen will inhibit the pineal gland to secrete melatonin, affect sleep quality.

Therefore, it is recommended that within 30 minutes to 1 hour before going to bed, it is best not to play with mobile phones to create a good sleeping environment.

  "Actually, not only mobile phones, but also facing electronic screens for a long time before going to bed, such as using laptops, tablet computers, etc., will also cause a delay in the secretion of endogenous melatonin (self-secretion of melatonin), which will take longer to produce When you fall asleep, you will be more sleepy the next day," Van Tenten said.

  How to save sleep?

  Mr. Jiang told reporters that in order to improve the condition of light sleep and easy awakening, he bought a bottle of melatonin product in 60 capsules online and insisted on taking it every day.

  During the interview, the reporter found that many professionals who are troubled by sleep problems choose to "prescribe treatment" by themselves and take health care products such as melatonin, hoping to improve the quality of sleep.

  So, does taking melatonin really make you sleep better?

  There are many different causes of insomnia, Van Tenten said, and only a small part is related to the lack of melatonin secretion.

Melatonin is still listed as a "health supplement" or "dietary supplement" rather than a prescription drug.

In the case of jet lag, night shift, and some elderly people whose melatonin secretion is significantly decreased, it can be taken for a short period of time.

However, if a large amount of melatonin is used for a long time, it will increase the burden on the liver and lead to the disorder of the body's own hormone secretion.

There are various types of melatonin currently available on the market. Pay attention to the dosage when taking it, and seek guidance from a professional doctor if necessary.

  "If it is a working person who occasionally stays up late, it is recommended not to try to 'make up for' the lack of sleep the night before by making up too much sleep the next day, which can easily lead to a vicious circle." , Keep the light, and adjust the sleep rhythm back to the normal routine.

At the same time, he also suggested that people with severe insomnia at night should not take a lunch break during the day, because too long sleep during the day may lead to worse sleep quality at night.

If you have the habit of taking a lunch break all the year round, it is recommended that the lunch break should not exceed 40 minutes at most.

  Li Yimeng