[Explanation] On October 25, the National Forestry and Grass Administration held a special press conference on "National Park Standards".

Tang Xiaoping, director of the National Park Research Institute, stated that the national park access conditions set forth in the "National Park Establishment Regulations" include national representativeness, ecological importance and management feasibility. “National representativeness” is extremely important in the selection of national parks.

  [Concurrent] Tang Xiaoping, Dean of National Park Research Institute

  "National representativeness" is extremely important in the selection of national parks. It not only emphasizes that national parks should select natural ecosystems with Chinese representative significance, or areas with relatively concentrated (and) key protected wild animal and plant species in China, but also have Unique natural landscapes and natural cultural heritage areas of national and even global significance must also reflect that national parks must conform to the overall and long-term interests of the country and be established under the leadership of the state.

  [Explanation] Tang Xiaoping introduced that "Ecological importance" is the core function of the national park. Any other function must be carried out on the basis of protecting the ecology. The natural and human resources carried by the natural ecosystem must be completely preserved.

"Management feasibility" is the foothold of the national park.

  [Concurrent] Tang Xiaoping, Dean of National Park Research Institute

  "Management feasibility" is the goal of the establishment of national parks. It must not only reflect state power, state management, state legislation, and state maintenance, but also fully consider the reality of China's large population and small land, and it must be realized at a reasonable cost. Potential for effective management, coordinate the relationship between relevant stakeholders, and provide conditions for realizing shared by the whole people.

  [Explanation] Can all eligible areas be included in the national park?

Tang Xiaoping responded: Mature one, set up one.

  [Concurrent] Tang Xiaoping, Dean of National Park Research Institute

  In the future, we must select the best from the best, and at the same time, we must take into account the overall national layout, the urgency of ecological protection and local enthusiasm, follow the principle of "mature one, establish one", fulfill the approval procedures, and promote the establishment of national parks in an orderly manner.

  [Explanation] What Chinese characteristics are reflected in the construction of national parks?

Sun Hongyan, deputy head of the preparatory group of the National Park (Nature Reserve) Development Center, said that China's national park system emphasizes the combination of ecological protection and community development.

  [Concurrent] Sun Hongyan, deputy leader of the preparation group of the National Park (Nature Reserve) Development Center

  Our country has a large population, and there are more or less residents in the national parks.

While protecting the ecology, national parks in China also pay attention to community development and improvement of people’s livelihood. In the process of national park construction and protection, through scientific planning, rational zoning, and differentiated policies and management measures, community residents are regarded as co-construction. Partners, so as to achieve the win-win goal of "ecological beauty and prosperity for the people".

  Dong Zeyu reports from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]