The streets of the Spanish city of Bilbao witnessed clashes between fans of the Israeli basketball club Hapoel Holon and supporters of the Palestinian cause, during a match in the Champions League.

Clashes escalated in the alleys and streets between hundreds of fans of the Israeli team and supporters of Palestine and those carrying Palestinian flags.

The two sides threw chairs, stones and projectiles, in an attempt to force the other to retreat.

Peleas entre ultras del Hapoel Holon israelí y gente de Bilbao en el centro de la ciudad.

Los israelíes están en Bilbao para ver la Final Four de la Basketball Champions League, viajaron unos 1000 aficionados.

— NIPORWIFI © (@niporwifi) May 8, 2022

Los Ultras del Holon han atacado algún bar con banderas de Palestina.

— NIPORWIFI © (@niporwifi) May 8, 2022

Crowds fired colored bombs and fireworks into the streets, causing damage to shops, waiting areas, cafes, and public spaces.

Se había organizado una manifestación propalestina para recibir a la afición del Hapoel Holon que ha acabado así.

— NIPORWIFI © (@niporwifi) May 8, 2022

Antes de llegar la Ertzaintza

— NIPORWIFI © (@niporwifi) May 8, 2022

The Israeli team lost the match to determine the third and fourth places against Ludwigsburg, Germany, by 68 points to 88. The Spanish team Tenerife had won the title after defeating its compatriot Manresa with 98 points against 87 only in the final of the tournament.


Ehunka hooligan sionista Bilboko Alde Zaharretik dabiz, auzokideak erasotzen eta Palestinaren kontrako aldarriak zabaltzen, inpunitate osoz eta @bilbao_udala-ren babespean.#FreePalestine #BDS

— Inurri Gorria (@TxindurriG) May 8, 2022