• Votes recount in Georgia: Biden victory confirmed

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November 20, 2020US President Donald Trump returns to public speaking with a press conference at the White House on the reduction of drug prices, and reiterates that he has won the American elections.

"Big pharma spent billions of dollars on negative publicity against me during the campaign, which I won by the way."

"With a two-year job, we have reduced drug prices like no administration has done before. We did it for the sick, for the elderly. We did it for America," Trump said.

"The drug companies don't like me, but we had to do it. I hope they keep it, I hope they have the courage to keep it."

The US president also accused Pfizer of delaying the release of preliminary data on vaccine efficacy until after the vote, in reaction to its aggressive drug pricing policies.

"Pfizer and others have decided not to release vaccine results, in other words not to go out with a vaccine, until after the election. They waited, waited, waited ...".