A major trust bank collaborates with universities and venture companies to embark on research to improve sleep quality.

As the number of people working from home increases, the aim is to ensure the health of employees and improve their productivity.

The research will be conducted by Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank in collaboration with Keio University SFC Research Institute, medical institutions, and venture companies.

We measure and analyze brain waves while sleeping using wearable terminals such as wristwatches for 50 employees.

After that, doctors will conduct medical examinations and give guidance on reviewing lifestyle habits to improve sleep quality.

Then, analyze whether employees who have improved sleep quality have improved their productivity.

As the number of people working from home increases due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection, it is becoming more important to ensure the health of employees, and if the effect is recognized, we would like to expand the introduction to business partners.

Shun Teranishi, a researcher at Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Bank, said, "There is a social issue that Japanese people are losing productivity and profitability as a result of not resting. Sleep examinations and guidance will become commonplace. I want to innovate in society. "