Travel eating out is down, but online shopping is... consumption index as seen by Creca 8:49 on July 15

The index of consumption trends in the second half of June, calculated from credit card usage information, has continued to decline significantly, mainly for travel and eating out, due to the impact of the new coronavirus. However, the rate of decline narrowed from the first half of last month, reflecting the gradual resumption of economic activity.

The index of consumption trends based on credit card usage information is calculated after data analysis companies Nowcast and JCB protect the privacy.

The index from 16th to 30th of last month fell by 11.4% compared to the latter half of January before the spread of infection. Since the first half of last month was a drop of 17.9%, the rate of decrease has narrowed.

Looking at the index by field,
▼ Travel is minus 62.9%,
▼ Accommodation is minus 43.4%,
▼ Entertainment such as movies is minus 32.4%,
▼ Dining out is minus 31.5%

On the other hand,
▼ Online shopping is growing significantly, at 31.7%.

Among them,
▽ electric appliances accounted for 57.2%,
▽ food and drink
items 53.5%, and ▽ clothes items 41.7%

A data analysis company that surveyed said, ``While consumption is recovering, recently the number of people infected with the new coronavirus is increasing and we are paying attention to how it affects future consumption.'' ..