Martin Hadmyr is a city gardener and thus responsible for the management of Pålsjö forest.

- But so cool!

What a fantastic donation, he says when he hears the news about the will.

Appoint a board

How do you want the money to be used?

- Many beech trees in Pålsjö forest feel bad, among other things due to more acidic soil environment and pests.

With the money we can both plant new ones and take care of the ones we have.

We can create the best conditions for Pålsjö forest to continue to be a fine nature reserve, says Martin Hadmyr.

Who will decide how the money will be used?

- When the politicians have made the formal decision to accept the donation, a board is appointed for the foundation.

It may decide this in consultation with experts within the framework of the will, says Johanna Nordlund, unit manager at the city management administration.

The municipal board will probably be the board.

But it is the council that has the last word.