Tunisia -

The movement of aunt Aisha, 65, who lives in the city of Ben Guerdane in the far south of Tunisia, does not subside.

The family members tried to solve the problems between their son and his wife repeatedly, but their attempts were unsuccessful, as she refused to return with them to her home, and there was only one last solution that wandered around Aisha's head, but she was hesitant for fear of her husband's rejection.

Aisha thought of using “compulsory” women to fix the problems between the spouses, as she had heard a lot about them and they had repeatedly succeeded in solving the problems of many families, and she finally persuaded her husband to bring them to bring her “daughter-in-law” back to her home.

Al-Jabriyat dress is usually red or black in color with pieces of silver (Al-Jazeera)

What is the story of "Algebraic"?

Al-Jabriyat are old women. Residents of the Medenine Governorate, southeast of Tunisia, say that they are “blessed” because their grandfather is Wali Saleh. Their mission is to fix problems between husbands, brothers or neighbors and expel “negative energy” and “envy” from homes, as some believe.

The Jabriyat wear their own clothes, in the form of a black or red “haram” with silver jewelry, which distinguishes them from the rest of the women in the region, and they have their own rituals that they practice in one of the “corners” of the righteous saints.

Souad (50 years old) tells Al Jazeera Net how the Jabriyat saved entire families from the estrangement, and she says with great affection that appeared on her face, "Maybe the youth of this generation do not believe in the supernatural power of blessed women, but I saw with my own eyes how our neighbors quarrelled almost 10 years ago, and there were great problems between them that amounted to The extent of the attempted murders, but with the intervention of Jabriyat, they have been living exactly like brothers since then.”

One of the rituals of algebra is to visit the righteous saints to seek their blessings (Al-Jazeera)

special rituals

The role of Jabriyat is not limited to solving the problems of the residents here, but also to “expel the jinn” and “break the magic” and remove the “eyes and envy” from the homes, so they are summoned to the intended house to read what is available from the wise Quran and some of their prayers in special rituals.

The housewife who invited the “Jabriyat” chooses an empty room in her house, cleans it well and spreads it with only a “mat” and puts incense and amber in it in preparation for the arrival of the “blessed” women, then she goes to the market to buy the feast supplies that she will prepare for them.

The meal consists of “couscous” with lamb meat, and a large quantity is placed in a (Chinese) dish called the “Casaa” and decorated with boiled eggs or olives and peppers, as the woman is keen that the feast is valuable in return for Jamil Al-Jabriyat.

The orthodox housewife receives a warm welcome, and quickly brings them into the room allotted for them, they sit on the floor and ask the owners of the house what they are worried about. of their voice.

At the end of the rituals, the housewife comes to commend them, and brings the "cup" and they eat the "couscous" with their hands as a blessing. One of their customs is not to eat meat, but rather to collect it and take it with them with bags of henna and incense that the owner of the house offers them as a gift.

Despite the decline in their status from the past, many in Medenine Governorate are still seeking blessings from coercion, especially the elderly, who absolutely affirm that they are extraordinary women, that their supplications are answered, and that those who do not believe in their abilities or mock what they do will be hated.