Does it sometimes happen to you that you discover a new song and can't stop listening to it until suddenly you can't stand it anymore? Happened to me again these days. I got it from "Sex Education," a series I'm watching again that is known for its soundtrack. Generation X's “Dancing With Myself” is the best song when you run out of energy on a long day at work and need more supplies. Or if there is something to celebrate. Or when you just hear it because it is good to dance, at home in front of the sofa on the carpet, when going for a walk, in between in the office and everywhere else.

If only I hadn't overdone it.

Now I'm so far that the melody is playing around in my head like a stuck record and starting to annoy me.

That was pretty unwise of me because the song didn't deserve it.

Besides, I should have known better, after all, I've seen it before.

With Bowie's “Rebel Rebel”, Ezra Furman's “Love you so bad” or “Islands” from The XX.

Am I a Banausin?

Or is that completely normal?

Maybe I just have to learn something new: not listening to the new discovery in a loop.

In between, I put on well-known things and then I'm all the more happy when the new song really ignites again.

Or even better: just discover more music.