Springer Nature’s international academic journal "Nature-Communications" recently published a zoology research paper that claims that chimpanzees living in historical and current environments with greater variability are better than those from more stable environments. The group develops more diverse behaviors.

  The corresponding author of the paper, Ammie Kalan of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Germany, and colleagues used a database of 31 chimpanzee behaviors to study data from 144 wild chimpanzee groups, showing that environmental changes Sex is a factor that promotes the diversity of apes' behavior and culture.

The environment in which a species or population is located can shape its behavior and cultural characteristics. For example, having a wider range of behaviors can help a species cope with long-term environmental changes.

  The two videos show the grassland chimpanzee in the Mali Baffin River climbing a baobab tree, and the two young orangutans in the Mali Baffin River are practicing using tools to dig out termites.

(Video material: natural scientific research)

Editor in charge: [Wang Kai]