Europe 1 3:47 p.m., October 27, 2021

Every Wednesday in the program "La France bouge", a company comes to present its recruitment needs on Europe 1. This Wednesday, Emmanuel Traineau, director of human resources of La Grande Récré, explains that his group has sought to fill 550 seasonal positions for the holiday season, with the possibility of moving to permanent contracts.


We no longer need to present La Grande Récré, a group specializing in children's toys with 160 stores, including 140 in France, with 1,000 employees.

Logically, the tricolor sign achieves 50% of its turnover for the Christmas period, which generally begins at the end of October, assures Emmanuel Traineau, director of human resources of the company.


France moves

on Europe 1, Wednesday, the manager presents the few hundred seasonal job offers offered for these two extremely dense months.

Offers "without qualification conditions"

"The renewed influx (in view of the holidays, editor's note) should not prevent us from welcoming our customers in the best conditions. We want them to be able to feel the Christmas spirit as soon as they enter the store and we have launched a vast recruitment campaign of around 550 employees ", he explains, with another" 400 positions to be filled ", full-time or part-time.

And if these positions are seasonal offers, it is possible to transform them into permanent contracts, promises Emmanuel Traineau on Europe 1. "No less than 90 to 95% of our store managers come from internal promotion, began apprentices. , interns, seasonal workers, so there are great opportunities in prospect, ”insists the manager.

All "without qualification conditions" but with "a smile, energy, kindness".