“We believe that this is a precedent and it will help our colleagues as well, and perhaps help us to convey information without any restrictions and without censorship from Google and others.

We believe that this is a very important decision and an important precedent in Russian judicial practice, not only in Russia, but also in the international one,” she said.

Khudyakova stressed that the court decision is binding on legal entities, so Google will have to comply with it.

The head of the service recalled that there are also enforcement mechanisms for the execution of decisions.

Along with this, Google has the right to appeal and the company will use it, she added.

Earlier, the Moscow Arbitration Court satisfied the claim of ANO TV-Novosti, the founder of the RT TV channel, against the American Google LLC, the Irish Google Ireland Limited and the Russian Google LLC to restore access to blocked RT YouTube channels.

We are talking about a lawsuit to unblock 27 channels.

In case of non-execution of the court decision that has entered into legal force, Google will be charged a court penalty in the amount of 100 thousand rubles per day until the actual execution of the decision.

Every week the amount of the daily penalty will double