Dragan Pechmalbec, the hub of HBC Nantes.



After the injuries (Nyokas, Cavalcanti, Monar, Ovnicek, Minne and Gurbindo), it is now the coronavirus which unfortunately invites itself at HBC Nantes.

Four cases (three players and one staff member) have tested positive for Covid-19 in recent days.

The club doctor therefore requested the postponement of the meeting against Tremblay, scheduled for Sunday (5 p.m.), by sending a letter to the NHL medical commission.

He explained in particular that those who have not tested positive are still in the incubation period - between contamination and the appearance of the first symptoms - and may thus very well contaminate Tremblay's players in their turn.

He was therefore heard because the authorities decided to postpone the meeting.

The date has not yet been set.

🚨 The Nantes / Tremblay meeting is postponed to a date yet to be fixed 🚨 @ HBCNantes @TremblayHB @LidlStarligue pic.twitter.com/vabPzjtiWU

- LNHofficiel (@LNHofficiel) October 17, 2020

Nantes could also spend their turn on Wednesday in the Champions League in Zaporozhye because Ukrainians are also affected by the coronavirus.

Finally, in


, we learned on Saturday that the Spanish left winger Valero Rivera was going to undergo meniscus surgery.

He will be away for at least six weeks.


Handball Champions League: Nantes bows heavily in Aalborg


HBC Nantes: From N3 to the Champions League in two years, the incredible trajectory of Thibaud Briet

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  • Coronavirus

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  • Covid 19

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  • HBC Nantes