China News Network, Chengdu, June 23 (Reporter An Yuan) The reporter learned from the China Giant Panda Protection Research Center on the 23rd that the center's giant panda "Xin Xin" was breeding on the 23rd at the Wolong Shenshuping Base of the China Giant Panda Protection Research Center. A panda cub was successfully delivered on the farm, which was the first baby panda born in China this year.

  It is understood that in March this year, the giant panda "Xinxin" completed natural mating. Recently, "Xinxin" gradually appeared prenatal behavior, and the panda breeder closely observed it. Accompanied by experts and breeders, "Xinxin" successfully delivered a female pup at 0:11 on June 23.

  According to Chen Anfa, a breeder of the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center, the “Xin Xin” who was a mother for the second time showed a very strong motherhood. After she was born, she quickly embraced her in her arms and licked it gently. The cub is loud and energetic, and is a healthy baby with a birth weight of 188.3g. The giant panda "Xinxin" was born in 2013. His father "Poplar" and his mother "Haizi" are all from the wild, and they are a veritable "wild girl".

Giant panda "Xinxin" and its cubs. Photograph by Zhang Guiquan

  According to reports, after successfully solving the giant panda breeding problem, the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center has further strengthened the research and management of giant panda genetics by formulating a giant panda breeding and matching plan to promote gene exchange. Up to now, the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center has more than 300 giant panda populations. It is the world’s largest and most powerful giant panda scientific research and protection institution. It has basically formed a healthy, energetic and sustainable development of captive giant panda populations. To lay a solid foundation for promoting the rejuvenation of wild giant panda population and international cooperation and exchange of giant pandas.

  It is reported that the giant panda "Wu Wen" from the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center and residing in the Netherlands has delivered the first panda puppies overseas this year on May 1. The baby panda is currently healthy under the care of "Wu Wen" growing up healthily.

  At the moment of the giant panda's production season, many giant pandas "pregnant mothers" of the China Giant Panda Conservation Research Center have shown different levels of prenatal behavior. (Finish)