In 1964 he created the series Mafalda, which reached great popularity and was published in newspapers in Latin America, Europe and Asia.

The cartoon character Mafalda is a six-year-old girl who hates communism and soup, but loves The Beatles.

In the series, Mafalda, not infrequently ironically, reflects on the world situation with a desire for peace on earth.

The series was downloaded in 1973.

Fled from Argentina

Quino was born in Mendoza, Argentina in 1932 and had his first series published as an 18-year-old.

After the military coup in Argentina in 1976, he fled to Milan, Italy and then became a Spanish citizen in 1990.

Later in life, he lived in Buenos Aires, Milan, Madrid and Paris, before choosing to return to his hometown of Mendoza - where he fell asleep on Wednesday.

"Quino is dead.

All good people in the country and in the world will mourn him ", writes his publisher Daniel Divinsky on Twitter.