China News Service, Huizhou, July 27th, title: The "hard-boned fighters" of "hard-boned six companies": dare to chew hard-bones

  China News Service reporter Song Xiujie

  The phrase "improper pennant cover, improper burden of honor" has become the "mantra" of the officers and soldiers of the "sixth company" of a certain brigade of the 74th Army. Everyone has a strong ability and everyone wants to be the first.

  On the eve of the "August 1st" Army Day, reporters walked into the group of "hard-boned soldiers" in this company and saw real "hard-boned" images.

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the "Sixth Hard-Bone Company" training hard. Photo by Ji Dong

  This is a company of heroes, known for being sharp knives and fighting tough battles. Established in Xiong County, Hebei Province in March 1939, it has experienced 161 battles, and a large number of fighting heroes such as Liu Sihu, Yin Yufen, and Li Enlong emerged, forming the "hard-boned spirit" of "three-strength" and "four-strong". The company was awarded the honorary titles of "Heroic Sixth Company" and "Heroic Sixth Company" by the Ministry of National Defense and the Central Military Commission in 1964 and 1985 respectively.

  In order to forge a cutting edge in future combat, the officers and soldiers are determined to "let hard bones into the wings of technology." Since the reform and adjustment, the officers and soldiers of the Sixth Company have set up a benchmark for combat effectiveness in training, aiming at the actual bullseye, and truly forged the company into a sharp iron fist that can win battles. In the past three years, the company has won gold and silver in competitions above the group army with 16 people, and broke 9 brigade records with 19 people. The company ranks first in basic training and professional training every year. It was commended by the Army as an advanced unit in military training last year. .

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the "Sixth Hard-Bone Company" training hard. Photo by Ji Dong

  One squad leader, Wang Yicun, is a "hard-bone warrior" who can master new equipment. He has been in the army for 5 years. In the "Lingnan Leading Soldier" competition, he has won three firsts in individual events and one comprehensive first with his team. Won the third-class merit, and was also named the "hundred good squad leader" and outstanding non-commissioned officer in the southern theater.

  "Only the duty to win glory for the company, not the power to discredit the company." The fourth squad leader, Wang Donglin, has been in the army for 7 years. He has mastered more than 20 weapons and won the first place in shooting and tactical competitions. In August 2018, he participated in the "International Military Competition-2018" security environment project anti-chemical professional skills competition, in order to practice anti-chemical reconnaissance skills, wearing an airtight anti-chemical suit, against the high temperature of 40 ℃ in the car, constantly Challenge the limits of your body. In the end, he won the first place in the individual event and third place in the team, showing a strong presence in the international arena. He said: "You must put your academic skills in an important position when you serve in the No. 6 company. There is only good, not good."

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the "Sixth Hard-Bone Company" training hard. Photo by Ji Dong

  The fifth squad leader, Zhang Yaqiu, is also a "hard-bone warrior". In a competition in 2017, he pulled 265 horizontal bars to "roll his body", rubbed 11 pieces of skin off his palms, and insisted on "slightly injured not below the line of fire", but broke The record of the entire brigade at that time has been maintained, and it remains today.

  Third squad leader Tang Xiong, in a training session, was too tired to hold the gun, so he climbed across the finish line with the gun in his mouth and moved the whole company.

The picture shows the officers and soldiers of the "Sixth Hard-Bone Company" training hard. Photo by Ji Dong

  Non-commissioned officer Yang Shulin, an old squad leader, fell from a ladder over 10 meters high and caused crushing bone dismantling of his right arm. He still dragged the injured right arm and insisted on completing the competition with his left hand.

  "You will fight as soon as you see the red flag, and you will carry it when you see the red flag." Han Zhanjun, deputy squad leader of the second class, accidentally sprained his waist and still signed up for the 400-meter obstacle.

  A squad of fighter Luo Kaiwen determined to enter the "Sharp Sword Squad" during the recruit training, and he just set a good score of 105 "horizontal rolls" and was called "Desperate Saburo."

  The company’s company commander Zhao Song and instructor Feng Jie said that the company’s activities to be "hard-boned fighters" have become a glorious tradition. Over the years, it has been endless. Those who can be named "hard-boned fighters" are all "trained top soldiers."

  It is understood that the company also has a soft side. In the summer of 1998, the company rushed to Jiujiang with its original regiment to perform flood fighting and rescue missions. After the mission was over, the company used all the power of the company to assist in the construction of the school, and the school was renamed "Hopeful Sixth Company" Hope School. Time flies, the officers and soldiers of the company have changed from one crop to another, and they still maintain regular contact with the school, and do their best to donate to poor students. So far, there are 3 Hope Primary Schools named "hard bones" across the country. (Finish)