On election day, a brief summary of digitization in Germany: astonishing is the imbalance.

Almost every politician thinks they have to have an opinion on Facebook, Google and other network groups, on hardware manufacturers and their charging cables, on social media providers, and all of this with clear statements on how to intervene, regulate and ban them .

Experts at the highest level who know how things go in the world.

The future does not happen, "we make it", it says in the self-statements.

On the other hand, there are the same politicians in whose constituencies not only the streets are dilapidated, but also the digital infrastructure is antediluvian. No iPads and computers in the schools, no WLAN in the classrooms, slates instead of whiteboards, no proper software for learning, no access to digital libraries. In their constituencies there is a poor fixed-line internet, which is far too expensive by international standards, and a rendezvous of cell phone holes that is just embarrassing. Tens of thousands of commuters jam at the Saalburgkuppe near Bad Homburg every day. The traffic jam has been there for generations, the dead zone since the beginning of mobile communications, and this problematic route is just one example among many others. Nobody will change anything, not even after the election.Politicians will continue to make their future, and that is not the future of a mobile and digital society.