Is there something tricky behind?

Taiwan-made vaccine stock prices fluctuated "violently", and the public suspected that someone was manipulating insider trading

  [Global Times Special Correspondent Cheng Dong] Taiwan’s leader Tsai Ing-wen previously promised that the self-produced vaccine will be given in July.

At the same time, the stock prices of high-end companies responsible for the production of vaccines are like a roller coaster, raising questions about the DPP’s manipulation of insider trading.

  Taiwan’s Epidemic Prevention Command Center announced on the 16th that there were 167 newly confirmed local cases and 3 imported cases on the island that day, and 18 more deaths.

In terms of self-produced vaccines, after the high-end vaccine announced the results of the second phase last week, it formally applied for an emergency authorization (EUA) from the Food and Drug Administration on the 15th. The high-end general manager Chen Canjian revealed that it will continue to apply for the goal of obtaining international certification. In the third phase of the clinical trial, a memorandum was signed with the University of Asunción Medical School in Paraguay, "It is not difficult for Taiwanese vaccines to enter the world."

Unexpectedly, the high-end stock price fell more than 9% after the opening on the 16th, just one step away from the limit price of 255 yuan (NTD, the same below).

  The stock price of the high-end company started to rise at 106 yuan on February 1 this year, and it has soared several times over the past few months, reaching 417 yuan per share; on May 31, the DPP authorities announced that it signed a contract with the company for the purchase of 5 million doses of vaccines. For the contract, the stock price fell by the limit for six consecutive trading days the next day; it rebounded suddenly before the results of the second phase of the vaccine test were announced (June 10), and rose by the limit for two consecutive days.

On the 15th, the high-end stock price was even more like a roller coaster. It opened at 303 yuan, the fourth daily limit after the results of the second phase, and then fell to 248 yuan. "In just one hour, the price difference reached 55 yuan, with an amplitude of 19.96%. ".

With the high-end confirmation of the overseas layout and Chen Canjian talking about international certification that day, the stock price climbed to 290 yuan, and the final closing price was 283 yuan.

Some analysts bluntly said that it is not common for the amplitude to reach 19.96% in just one hour. This is a very "dramatic" change. Obviously, the stock has been locked by a specific person. "The specific person is the person who accurately grasps the policy information. The attack can be so sensational."

  Taiwan’s "Weekly" on the 16th quoted an unnamed expert who disclosed that high-end stocks were listed as "disposal stocks" on June 8 after a continuous drop limit. They were changed to manual matching, which was matched approximately every 20 minutes, and investors If you want to buy on the same day, the money must be advanced to the account to place an order.

As a result, some buyers put nearly 1.7 billion yuan in their accounts on the same day, buying high-end stocks to the limit. "This main force is not only strong enough, but also very sure of the information, otherwise how dare to buy a family and still lose money? , A corporate stock with a stock price of more than 200 yuan?” Many Internet users on the island joked, “This is a stock with only a daily limit and a daily limit” and “a casino with plus or minus 10% guessing the size”.

  According to Taiwan’s "United Daily News" on the 16th, some people reported this to the investigation department and questioned the existence of insider trading.

The “High Procuratorate” instructs the Shilin Land Prosecutor’s Office to investigate, and the dedicated prosecutor will head toward the “Securities Exchange Law” to check whether any insiders have leaked the results of the second phase, or know the time and other news in advance, and whether there are insider trading or stock trading situation.

"Zhongguang" chairman Zhao Shaokang said on Facebook that it is difficult for outsiders to know whether the results of the high-end test will be successful. Judging from the gap and daily limit at the opening of the market, it is obvious that someone has the inside information and knows the situation of the second phase first, so I dare to be bold. Place a lot of big orders and make big money.

The People's Party "Legislative" Zhang Qilu said on the 16th that such drastic changes in stock prices were due to incorrect information from the outside world, showing that the stock price of self-produced vaccines cannot truly reflect the market value and is not a healthy investment behavior.

He said that in addition to the investigation by the investigation department, the "Financial Management Committee" should also pay close attention to the stock price movement. In particular, the self-produced vaccine company has applied for the EUA procedure, and the relevant procedures should be checked on the premise of saving people's lives and improving health. Rather than becoming a stock trading tool.

Wang Yumin, chairman of the Kuomintang Literature and Biography Committee, also said that the DPP authorities are requested not to overstate the big internal propaganda. The high-end EUA has not yet been completed, and some people deliberately speak out to bring the trend.

  Zhao Shaokang raised questions in mid-May for some people using high-end vaccines to trade stocks.

Many people in the DPP have been mentioned involved in high-end stocks, including the current "legislator" Chen Mingwen.

On May 31, Tsai Ing-wen denied that the property declaration materials were all open and transparent, and there was no issue of stock trading.

Chen Mingwen also stated on June 2 that he did not have any high-end stocks in his hand, "not just me, but also my wife, son and daughter."

However, the volume of related topics on the Internet has soared 10 times, showing that public opinion does not believe it at all.

  The island think tank researcher Su Yonglin wrote on the 16th that since the outbreak of the epidemic in mid-May, the DPP authorities have been full of contradictory, inverted, and confusing statements and rhetoric, all of which are propaganda and "anti-China." It seems that the "credit collapse" will continue to provoke and divide internally. Taiwan’s "China Times" stated that Tsai Ing-wen’s authorities can be said to be “doing their best” for this self-produced vaccine. They have waited patiently from the beginning and resisted all international vaccines. The donations from Japan and the United States only need some meaning, and at the same time they try their best to obstruct it. The private procurement of internationally certified vaccines, the stock speculation during the period, will not be mentioned. The second phase will be signed before the blind is revealed, which is to vaccinate in July, which Tsai Ing-wen promised. What is outrageous is that the price of self-produced vaccines exceeds that of all international vaccines. However, the epidemic prevention commander Chen Shizhong said, "Don’t forget what you said before, no matter how expensive you are!" And it is still doubtful whether the high-end vaccine is self-produced. The original virus strain The technology platforms are all obtained from the United States. To put it bluntly, only trials are done in Taiwan. "Can we say that it is self-produced, but in fact it is an OEM? This is in contrast to Cai Yang’s statement that vaccines are strategic materials, not domestically produced. The policy of'not possible' is a far cry." The article questioned that besides Taiwan daring to fight high-end vaccines, who else would dare to ask in the world? "It can be said that the actions of the entire epidemic center and the Cai authorities are to escort the high-end."