Sumo Wrestling November Place 2nd Day New Ozeki Masayo wins 2 consecutive wins Asanoyama is the first black star November 9th 18:42

Sumo Wrestling November is the second day, and Masayo Shin-Ozeki has won the first two consecutive victories over Mt. Kiriba.

On the other hand, Asanoyama Ozeki lost to Terunofuji Koyui, who returned to the San'yaku role, and suffered the first black star.

It is a victory or defeat after entering the middle.

▽ Chiyoshoma is pushed down by Chiyoshoma on Juryo Akiseyama.

▽ Chiyotairyu is pushed out by Shimanoumi.

▽ In the new opening of the sky sea, Chiyo no Kuni won by slamming.

▽ Kotonowaka is pushed out to Ichinojo.

▽ Toyosho Ryu is inside Toyoyama.

▽ Kaisei is pushed down by Enho.

▽ Ryuden throws poorly at Sadanoumi.

▽ Kotoeko pushes out Akio to Kotoeko.

▽ Tokushoryu is struck by Aoiyama.

▽ Endo is struck by Terutsuyoshi.

▽ In Tochinoshin, Takarafuji won by the sidelines.

▽ Kotoshoho sticks out Tamawashi.

▽ Hokutofuji is pushed down by Shosaru.

▽ In the sea of ​​Okinoumi, Myogiryu is close to the sea of ​​Okinoumi.

▽ Takayasu pushes out Takayasu, who has experience in Ozeki.

▽ Daieishō Sekiwake Mitakeumi is pushed down by Daieishō.

▽ Shin Sekiwake Takanosho wins Abu Saki, Takanosho wins.

▽ Ozeki Takakeishō, Takakeishō sticks out.

▽ New Ozeki Masayo on Kiribayama, Masayo is close.

▽ Ozeki Asanoyama is an experienced Ozeki and Koyui Terunofuji, Terunofuji won with a good throw and Asanoyama now experienced the first black star in the place.