[Commentary] Recently, Sui Wenjing/Han Cong, the figure skating pair skating champion of the Beijing Winter Olympics, held a fan meeting in Beijing to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their partnership.

The two recalled the glory of winning the Grand Slam on the court, and also talked about the difficult times and good memories they did not know.

  [Concurrent] Sui Wenjing, figure skating pair skating champion at Beijing Winter Olympics

  I just feel that the Beijing Winter Olympics is still a starting point. I started from scratch, and I continue to learn new things like before.

  [Concurrent] Han Cong, figure skating pair skating champion at the Beijing Winter Olympics

  I think that after winning the Beijing Winter Olympics, my mentality has indeed changed. When I get this kind of successful experience, it is like a process of self-improvement and constant transformation.

  [Explanation] The high-quality completion of the 4-week twist action is the key to Sui Wenjing/Han Cong winning the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Sui Wenjing said that although twisting for 4 weeks is difficult and dangerous, she has trust in Han Cong to deliver her life.

  [Concurrent] Sui Wenjing, figure skating pair skating champion at Beijing Winter Olympics

  For "Nian 4", it's a love-hate relationship, because it is true that more than three meters "falls" directly onto the ice. Sometimes it is really a test of the mentality of doing it again next time, but I think I and Han Cong brother , I am the kind of trust that can put my life in his hands.

  [Commentary] In order to better complete the 4-week twisting action, Sui Wenjing has been controlling her weight and sugar for three months before the Winter Olympics. She fainted due to low blood sugar before and after the Winter Olympics.

  [Concurrent] Sui Wenjing, figure skating pair skating champion at Beijing Winter Olympics

  In the later stage, in order to do "Twist 4" with higher quality and higher points, I had to control my weight drastically in the next three months. To control sugar, I needed to increase the amount of training, and there was pressure from the Olympics, which made me gasp for a while. Don't get angry, I often start crying as soon as I close the door in the house.

Before I played in the Olympics, I also fainted due to low blood sugar and some particularly bad conditions during my menstrual period, including after the end (also fainted).

  [Explanation] The two have been together for many years. When asked about the most satisfying and regrettable thing, Han Cong said that all the regrets in the past have become part of the good at this moment.

  [Concurrent] Han Cong, figure skating pair skating champion at the Beijing Winter Olympics

  I have gained a lot of wonderful memories, friends, dance partners, coaches, and everyone around me. You have to say that I regret the most. Maybe all the regrets in the past are good memories at this moment. It is not Sorry, it's all part of the good.

  [Commentary] Sui Wenjing said that her regret is that she has too little time to spend with her family.

  [Concurrent] Sui Wenjing, figure skating pair skating champion at Beijing Winter Olympics

  I said before that for 10 New Years, at least 10 New Years I did not accompany my family. This is a place I regret, and I hope that there will be more time to spend with my family in the future.

  [Explanation] For the future, Sui Wenjing said that he will continue to be a "slash youth", constantly learning and trying new things, and the two are also discussing the next training plan.

  [Concurrent] Sui Wenjing, figure skating pair skating champion at Beijing Winter Olympics

  I never feel that I can only do one thing in my life, this is my life entry.

Many years ago, I hoped that I could be a "slash youth". In fact, I am also constantly trying and learning.

We are already discussing the next training plan, including some details of the choreography, or return to the game according to the physical recovery.

For now, I may have to continue to learn and enrich myself. I feel that only by constantly "renewing" can I continue to work hard as a better me in the arena of life and figure skating.

  Reported by Dong Zeyu and Wang Hao in Beijing

Responsible editor: [Sun Jingbo]