One month ago, the government presented a proposal for how the law with special provisions for care of young people (LVU) can be tightened.

One of the five points in the proposal is that LVU care may not cease until the circumstances that gave rise to the care have changed in a "lasting and thorough manner".

The proposal is called lex "Little heart" after the high-profile case where a three-year-old girl was found dead at her biological parents' home some time after her compulsory care had ended.

The "best interests of the child" determine

Anders Hagsgård has now, on behalf of the Social Affairs Committee, investigated how to incorporate props (a special condition) "the best interests of the child" when LVU care is tried.

He proposes that another step in the trial be introduced.

The authorities must also ask themselves the question: "does the child's health or development risk being seriously harmed if the care ceases".

If the answer to that question is yes, compulsory care must continue.

In practice, his proposal means that even if the parents' ability to take care of a child has changed in a "lasting and thorough way", compulsory care can continue if the social welfare board and the administrative court consider that the child feels best if that care continues.

Checklist for authorities

Hagsgård states five different circumstances that the authorities must take into account when making a weighted assessment of what is best for the child.

The child's attitude to care and continued placement, the relationship with guardians and siblings and the child's anchoring in school and in the social environment, are some of them.

The Social Affairs Committee has now sent out his proposal to over 80 different consultation bodies, which must respond by June.

Lex "Little Heart" is expected to take effect on July 1, while Hagsgård's proposal is not expected to be ready for political decision until after the election this autumn.