During the weekend in week three, 14.7 percent of the staff in the home care service are absent, says Marita Taserud.

This means that she will find replacements for just over a hundred of the regular nursing staff.

Those who need home care may be visited by several people in one day, but Marita Taserud believes that it is important for patient safety that you get the effort you need.

Administrative staff enters

The home care service in Karlstad employs 460 people plus hourly temps.

They must be available to 1,600 people who need help and support.

One and a half years ago, new employees were hired to perform cleaning in order to be able to use staff for nursing, Marita says.

But with ever-increasing sick leave, administrative staff have also had to go in and help.

- We are a whole team that tries to roll up their sleeves and help.

There is a will and a power in the staff to find solutions and create the security our customers need.