- We believe that this education can attract a new type of students who want to be close to the business.

The education is more practical and you get to test your theoretical knowledge much earlier in the education, says Sofie Schentz Magnusson, development manager at the children and education administration at Ljungby municipality. 

At Hjortbergskolan, we meet three of the teacher students Pia Norberg, Linus Talevski and Stefan Holmgren, as their first day of education.

Two days a week, throughout the training, they will be out in the business. 

- I think it is very good, because you read at the same time as you get to be part of it.

I think it is easier to absorb the knowledge then, says Pia Norberg. 

In the clip, you can hear more about what the teacher students think about the new education. 

Wants to link teacher students to the municipality 

At Ljungby municipality, they hope that the new education will lead to more qualified teachers in the future. 

- This is a good way to connect the students to our municipality and get qualified teachers, says Sofie Schentz Magnusson. 

Do you have problems finding qualified teachers to hire? 

- All municipalities in Sweden have problems finding qualified staff.

We do not stand out more than any other municipality, but there is a tendency to move to the larger cities.

Ljungby is a small municipality, so we constantly need to work on being an attractive employer. 

The students will be trained as teachers for grades F-3 and 4-6 and the training is a collaboration between Ljungby municipality and Linnaeus University.