The ships have previously traveled in two different groups of three in the Baltic Sea.

On Monday, one group left the area through the Great Belt and on Tuesday, the other three ships followed.

- Six ships have left via the Great Belt and now they are heading north, says Jonas Olsson.

The Baltic Fleet has always had a number of landing craft stationed at the Baltijsk Marine Base in Kaliningrad.

It is unclear whether these vessels remain.

- We can not say how many are left.

Then we would reveal our own abilities, says Jonas Olsson.

Belongs to different marines

Three of the units that have left the Baltic Sea belong to the Northern Navy.

As for the second group of three landing craft that have left the Baltic Sea, the Armed Forces does not want to say which is their home base.

In addition, there may be more Russian county council vessels left in the Baltic Sea.

One of the ships that has left the Baltic Sea is of the ship class Ivan Gren.

It is also about ships from the Ropucha class, states DN, which was the first to report that the six ships have left the Baltic Sea.