
by Michela Coricelli

19 May 2021Seated in the red for all European stock exchanges, fearful of the rise in inflation also in the eurozone.

Milan ends by losing 1.58% in line with Paris at -1.43%, but the heaviest is Frankfurt at -1.77%.

In Piazza Affari practically no sector is saved: down industrial, energy and banking (the only exception of the latter sector is Banco Bpm at + 0.55%).

Spread between BTPs and Bunds at 122 basis points and our ten-year yield at 1.12%.

Even Wall Street, on fears related to inflation, falls: Dow Jones at -1.26% and Nasdaq -0.86%. New slip of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin is worth $ 37,286. In seven days, the market burned about 700 billion worth of value. It all started with Elon Musk's statements, but in the last few hours, the Beijing government's decision that banned financial institutions from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions has been added in the last few hours.