Signs on your skin that warn of dangerously high cholesterol

High levels of cholesterol in the blood can clog the arteries, leading to a heart attack or stroke.

Currently, most people are at home due to the Corona pandemic, and many rely on ready-made foods that contain a high percentage of sugar, oil, saturated fats and preservatives that may increase weight over time, leading to obesity and sometimes chronic heart disease.

When it comes to heart health, cholesterol is the most important factor determining the risk of heart attack, heart attack, and stroke.

The accumulation of large levels of cholesterol narrows the arteries, raises blood pressure and impairs healthy circulation.

What are the symptoms of high cholesterol?

What makes high cholesterol a health risk is the fact that it often has no significant symptoms.

A patient with high cholesterol levels may not realize that things may deteriorate.

However, according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, your skin can send serious hints about elevated cholesterol levels.

Signs of high cholesterol

High cholesterol levels, if not managed in time, can cause some of the early signs of this condition to appear on your skin reduced small, smooth, yellow or red bumps on the elbows, knees, hands, feet or sometimes around the nose.

While some may confuse them with regular pimples, they may actually be cholesterol deposits or a sign of pancreatitis.

Some can also be quite large, about three inches in diameter and some may be small.

Over time, these can coalesce to form larger clumps of cholesterol, which are often painless, and can develop in any part of the body, according to Time Now News.

Can the risk of high cholesterol levels be avoided?

As it turns out, reducing the risk of high cholesterol is not a hard science. Stick to a diet rich in healthy fats, fatty fish like sardines, nuts, and butter, and cook your food with coconut oil.

Limit processed foods that are full of saturated fats and eliminate too much sugar from your diet

Increase your protein intake

Drink green tea

Eat plenty of fiber