On September 27, local time, according to the preliminary vote count announced by the German Federal Election Commission early in the morning, the German Social Democratic Party took the lead in the Bundestag election held on the 26th, with 25.7% of the vote. The current Chancellor Merkel’s coalition party (by The CDU and CDU) got 24.2% of the votes, the worst result in decades.

  The Associated Press stated that the worst general election result of Merkel's camp was in the first post-war democratic election in 1949, when the vote was 31%.

  However, the Social Democratic Party leads only by a narrow margin, and the next few weeks of difficult coalition government formation negotiations may follow.

According to foreign media analysis, the final decision on the formation of the cabinet will largely be in the hands of the two smaller parties, the Green Party and the Liberal Democratic Party, and they must determine whether to form a team with the Coalition Party or the Social Democratic Party.

  Once the new government is established, the President of Germany will nominate a prime minister, who will be elected by the Bundestag.

This is usually the main candidate for coalition partners in a newly formed government.

  With the release of the results of the German Bundestag, the whole of Europe is waiting for the birth of the "New German Chancellor", and the "Iron Lady" Merkel, who has been in power for 16 years, will also unload the burden, and the "Merkel era" will slowly come to an end. .

(Producing Li Jiali)

Editor in charge: [Lu Yan]