
  An invisible devil

  It devours people's health, feelings and humanity

  To lure people to do evil deeds

  Let a happy and happy family fall apart...

Hemp oil. Photo courtesy of Shenyang Public Security Bureau

The picture shows some smuggled drugs imported by Chongqing Customs. Photo courtesy of Chongqing Customs

  According to statistics, in 2019

  A total of 83,000 drug crime cases were cracked across the country

  113,000 suspects arrested

  Seized 65.1 tons of various drugs

  Investigated and punished 617,000 drug addicts

Capture the suspect provided by Hefei police

Drug seized by the police. Photo courtesy of Hubei Xiling Police

  Behind every cracked drug case

  It’s all countless efforts and sacrifices

  That number

  They use countless days and nights without home

  Even for life

  The reason why you can't see the darkness

  Because someone is desperate

  Keep the darkness away from where you can't see

The picture shows the police arrested the suspect. Photo courtesy of the police

  According to statistics, in 2016

  A total of 362 anti-narcotics police officers died in their posts

  1 year 365 days

  Almost every day, a drug policeman dies

  Every year in the public security system

  The drug police officers sacrificed are 4.9 times that of other police

  The injury rate is as high as 10 times

Arrest the suspect at the scene. Photo courtesy of Shenyang Public Security Bureau


  Is a "giant" walking on the tip of a knife


  Is the sword of justice that makes drug dealers frightened

  But they

  Also a son, a husband, a father...

  Among them

  There is no time to feel the joy of being a family

  Will be brave

  Some children just fell to the ground

  If you haven’t enjoyed the joy of the world, you will say nothing.

  There is an elderly mother lying sick in bed

  Before leaving filial piety in a hurry...

Data map: Guangxi Hepu police arrested drug dealers. Photo by Zhang Xiamian

  To keep the lights safe for thousands of families

  They resolutely embarked on the road to drug control

  Even if it is a bloody sacrifice, there is no turning back

  June 11, 2019

  Yang Rui, deputy director of Wuhan Xingouqiao Street Police Station

  Passed away due to sudden myocardial infarction

  Only 47 years old

  He worked overtime for 4 consecutive days

  Down at the desk

  At that time, there were thick drug investigation materials

  The note says work arrangements for colleagues...

  Yang Rui

  March 13, 2019

  Han Shujun, a 33-year-old anti-drug policeman in Mianzhu, Sichuan

  Sudden acute pancreatitis at work

  Rescue invalid

  Unfortunately sacrificed on March 18

  And at home, the 7-year-old daughter

  And his wife who is pregnant and waiting for delivery are still waiting for him to recover

  His WeChat circle of friends is always frozen in the signature

  "No Regret"

  Han Shunjun

  March 31, 2018

  Liaoning Shenyang Anti-narcotics Police Li Shangheng

  Investigating a burglary case

  In the process of wrestling with the suspect

  Six swords of heroic sacrifice

  Only 29 years old, daughter is only 8 months old

  Li Shangheng

  Behind Yang Rui, Han Shunjun and Li Shangheng

  There are thousands of such anti-drug police

  Defend our safety with life

  They are iron fists against crime

  Is the guardian of security

  They used their own strength to protect the peace of all families

  How can there be any good years

  But someone is going to carry the load for you

  International Day Against Drugs

  Salute to the police who are fighting on the front line of drug control!