The Participation Solidarity criticized that the measures the police decided to block the source of a vehicle demonstration in downtown Seoul (called a'drive-through' rally) that some groups decided to enforce on the 3rd of next month were inappropriate.

In a commentary today (28th), the Participation Solidarity said in a commentary on the 28th, "It is true that public anxiety will be high whether a large-scale spread will be reenacted as after the last 8·15 Liberation Day rally in a situation where the spread of Corona 19 has not stopped." It's too much.

They said, "It should not be taken for granted that the basic principles of democracy are undermined in a crisis situation," and said, "The police should consider how not to infringe on the right of assembly and demonstration even under the constraints of quarantine."

The Participation Solidarity emphasized that "the right to threaten the lives and safety of citizens does not exist" to the organizers of the assembly, and that "the organizers should face the deep concerns of the people and make efforts to comply with the quarantine guidelines as much as possible." .

(Photo = Yonhap News)