The New York Times writes about it.

The publication notes that the refusal or the declared reduction of Russian oil imports in the US and European countries led to a sharp increase in energy prices.

At the same time, the source emphasizes, Russia is only increasing its revenues from the sale of oil and gas in the face of sanctions pressure.

The publication, citing Andrew Weiss, vice president of the Carnegie Endowment for Research, writes that the economies of Western countries turned out to be more vulnerable than their governments expected. 

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that gloomy forecasts for the Russian economy did not come true.

As Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten noted, Russian President Vladimir Putin was right when he said that the West's economic blitzkrieg against Russia had failed because Moscow was "well prepared for an economic war."

The British magazine The Economist also wrote that the Russian economy is showing resilience despite unprecedented sanctions from the West.

According to the publication, currency control measures and the high key rate of the Central Bank made it possible to strengthen the ruble to the levels that could be observed before the start of the operation to protect Donbass.