In the New York stock market on the 18th, there was growing concern that corporate performance would deteriorate due to cost increases against the backdrop of record inflation, as business performance deteriorated due to the financial results of major retailers announced today. The Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily plummeted to over $ 1,100.

Immediately after the start of the transaction, the New York Stock Exchange swelled with sell orders for a wide range of stocks, mainly retail, and the Dow Jones Industrial Average temporarily plummeted to over $ 1,100.

A major American retailer announced today, Target's financial results for the three months to last month fell due to an increase in costs, so corporate performance due to an increase in costs against the backdrop of record inflation that continues in the United States There was growing concern that it would worsen.

Market officials said, "The financial results of major retailer Wal-Mart announced the day before have also deteriorated, and investors are becoming more nervous, and selling is calling for selling." I am.