The New York Stock Exchange has seen more buybacks this week, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average closing on the 27th surpassing the previous week for the first time in nine weeks, stopping the decline in stock prices that continued until last weekend. is.

The closing price of the Dow Jones Industrial Average on the New York Stock Exchange on the 27th was $ 33,212,96, which is $ 575,77 higher than the previous day, the sixth consecutive business day increase.

The closing price for the weekend was over $ 1,900 higher than last week, surpassing the previous week for the first time in nine weeks.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed on weekends for eight consecutive weeks below the previous week as fears of a slowdown increased as monetary tightening to curb inflation accelerated in the United States. rice field.

However, this week, the decline in stock prices has been stopped for the time being as the movement to buy back has intensified as concerns about inflation squeezing corporate profits have eased.

In addition, the Nasdaq stock index, which has many IT-related stocks, also saw a significant 3.3% increase in the closing price on the 27th compared to the previous day, surpassing the previous week for the first time in eight weeks as the closing price on the weekend.

Market officials said, "Market interest is focused on how long record inflation will continue and how much the economy will slow down due to monetary tightening. For the time being, economic indicators and corporate performance will influence stock price trends. , Unstable price movements are likely to continue. "