China News Service, Linxia, ​​Gansu, May 19 (Ai Qinglong) On the 19th, Cheng Xiaobo, a member of the party group of the Gansu Provincial Government and deputy governor, said that 114,000 households and 499,000 registered poor people in the province have completed their relocation and moved ahead of schedule. After moving in for one year, the foundation and public service facilities of the resettlement area have been basically completed.

  On the same day, the Gansu Province relocation follow-up support work site will be held in Linxia Prefecture.

  By the end of 2020, all relocated families have achieved full industrial policy coverage, and more than 90% of relocated families have at least one person in employment.

Cheng Xiaobo said that Gansu has realized the transformation of relocated people from poor jobs to living and working in peace and contentment.

  Gansu is located at the intersection of the Loess Plateau, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Previously, the deeply impoverished areas were distributed in the Liupan Mountain and Qinba Mountain destitute areas.

Involving 35 impoverished counties, including the “two states and one county” that are included in the national “three districts and three prefectures” support range, and the 18 deep poverty counties designated by the province.

Until 2020, they will all take off their hats and withdraw.

The picture shows the Kangjia model breeding area in Guanghe County across the river from the city.

Photo by Ai Qinglong

  Previously, as one of the most difficult and difficult areas for poverty alleviation in Gansu, Linxia Prefecture once said that "the nationwide poverty alleviation depends on Gansu, and Gansu's poverty alleviation depends on Linxia".

In the past five years, Linxia Prefecture had a total of 75,100 relocated and registered population, accounting for one-seventh of the relocated population in Gansu and nearly a quarter of the prefecture's registered population.

  It is worth mentioning that Linxia Prefecture has created the Guanghe County Kangjia model of "relocation area + characteristic breeding" and the Dongxiang Daban model of "relocation area + nearby employment" in response to the needs of relocated households and their own development capabilities.

  "The ultimate success of relocation for poverty alleviation and relocation depends not only on whether people move out, but also on the development of industries, employment, and improvement of public services. This is a long-term and arduous task." Cheng Xiaobo said frankly, although Gansu won poverty alleviation. Tackling tough problems, but restricted by objective factors such as poor natural conditions, excessive infrastructure debts, and tight local finances, the quality of poverty alleviation is not very high, and the foundation is not yet strong.

  According to Gansu's official information, in 2020, the per capita disposable income of rural residents in the province is 10,344 yuan, only about 60% of the national average. The income ratio of urban and rural residents is 3.27:1, and the income gap between urban and rural residents is large.

  Cheng Xiaobo believes that accelerating the cultivation and expansion of the county economy is an important starting point for solving the unbalanced and insufficient contradictions of Gansu's development.

  It is reported that Gansu will build 3 industrial parks, 288 agricultural and animal husbandry industry bases, 15 trade logistics parks, cold chain storage bases, 175 poverty alleviation workshops, and tourism industry development projects relying on the centralized resettlement area during the construction of the relocation project. 22.

  By the end of 2020, the relocated families have achieved full coverage of the industrial policy, and 103,000 relocating families with labor capacity and willingness to find employment have achieved employment for at least one person.
