China News Service, June 27th. Liu Jinfeng, director of the Food Safety Standards and Monitoring and Evaluation Department of the National Health and Health Commission, pointed out on the 27th that the monitoring results show that the nutritional and health status of Chinese residents has continued to improve, and the urban-rural gap has gradually narrowed.

  The National Health and Medical Commission held a press conference on the 27th.

At the meeting, a reporter asked: Since the implementation of the Rational Diet Action for three years, how has the nutrition and health promotion of our residents been?

What will be the next step to be precise?

  In response, Liu Jinfeng said that since the implementation of the Rational Diet Action for three years, the National Health Commission and the 17 member departments of the National Nutrition and Health Steering Committee have made concerted efforts to organize the implementation of the National Nutrition Plan and the Rational Diet Action, and the national nutrition and health status has improved significantly.

  The first is to strengthen the guidance of policy standards.

Published 67 nutrition and health standards, organized the revision of the general rules for nutrition labels of prepackaged foods, formulated and released a series of food safety standards for infant formula foods, and led and promoted the nutritional transformation of the food industry, so that the public can understand labels and choose foods.

  The second is to improve professional services.

Build a regional nutrition innovation platform, and support the research and development of nutrition and health products based on local advantages and industrial patterns.

Build nutrition and health restaurants, nutrition and health canteens, nutrition and health schools and clinical nutrition departments, cultivate nutrition professionals, and provide nutrition professional services.

  The third is to popularize nutrition knowledge.

Organize the compilation of national nutrition science popularization books, hold national nutrition week and Chinese student nutrition day theme activities every year, carry out nutritional dietary guidance for mothers and infants, children, the elderly, occupational groups, patients with chronic diseases, etc. Provide answers to the nutritional problems and improve the accessibility of nutrition and health knowledge.

  Liu Jinfeng said that the monitoring results show that the nutritional and health status of Chinese residents has continued to improve, and the urban-rural disparity has gradually narrowed.

In 2020, the heights of residents aged 18-44 in my country are 169.7 cm for men and 158.0 cm for women, an increase of 1.2 cm and 0.8 cm respectively compared with 2015.

The rate of stunting among rural children under the age of 6 dropped from 11.3% in 2015 to 5.8%.

The per capita daily cooking salt was 9.3 grams, down 1.2 grams from 2015.

The proportion of people who regularly measure health indicators such as weight, blood pressure, blood sugar, and blood lipids has increased significantly.

  Liu Jinfeng said that in the next step, the National Health and Health Commission will further consolidate the foundation of nutrition science, encourage scientific research innovation, explore new intervention models such as obesity prevention and control and children's nutritional imbalance, and launch new intervention models for different regions, Food and nutrition packages for different groups of people and different seasons, and strengthen reasonable dietary guidance.