Have you ever thought about the best bath for you when you wake up in the morning or at bedtime? Or after you finish your exercise? The answer is here.

Studies show that both hot and cold water showers have health benefits, and accordingly it may be more appropriate to choose the type of shower according to your activity.

And we start with waking up in the morning, as bathing with cold water may be the best, because its benefits include:

  • Increased alertness.
  • Stimulate blood circulation.
  • Soothe itching of the skin.
  • May help promote weight loss.

In contrast, hot water showering may be preferable at night or evening, for the following reasons:

  • Help relax.
  • Facilitate sleep.
  • Relieve cold or respiratory symptoms.
  • Help relax muscles.
  • Open the pores of the skin.

On the other hand, there are downsides to cold water showering, such as pressure on the immune system and the body, so you should refrain from it if you are sick or tired.

The downsides of bathing in hot water include dehydration, irritation of the skin, and itching.

Rotating bath

Some advise alternating bathing between hot and cold water, as the person begins to open the shower in cold water, and stays in it for a minute, after which it is changed to hot water for a minute, then switched 3-5 times.

This method may be a means of combining the benefits of the two types of showers, provided that the person is not ill with any acute or chronic disease, or tired, and it is important to use a moisturizing cream for the skin after showering.

Showering after sports

For his part, German Professor Ingo Frobuse said that cold water showering is not appropriate after exercising during the summer, as it leads to an opposite result.

The professor at Cologne University of Sports explained that cold water causes stress on the body, which causes the body temperature to rise again instead of lowering it, i.e. unlike what the athlete wants.

To avoid this, Frobus advises sportsmen to shower with lukewarm water at first, and then gradually cooler.

Good shower guide

Writer Pat Hagan says in the British Daily Mail newspaper that the latest research shows that showering is not only great for relaxing and calming pressures today, but can also play an important role in strengthening the immune system.

He added that one of the studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that diabetics who spend only half an hour in a hot tub can reduce blood sugar levels by about 13%, as the heat leads to the expansion of blood vessels and improving blood flow, which makes the body benefit Better than insulin, a hormone that allows cells to use blood sugar for energy.

A Japanese study showed that 10 minutes of warm water bathing improved the cardiovascular health of elderly men and women, yet it should be noted that some studies say that hot water bathing can be dangerous for heart patients, because it temporarily increases blood pressure.

And when bathing at 32-35 degrees Celsius for a period of 10-20 minutes, this helps open pores and encourage sweating, and may also relieve joint and muscle pain.

As for bathing in cold water through water with a temperature of 12-18 ° C for a period of 6-30 seconds at most, it helps reduce stress.

Finally, you should consult your doctor before bathing in cold or hot water if you are elderly or heart disease, and use lukewarm water, with the need to follow the doctor's instructions.