Executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications have been charged with criminal charges by a civil servant group saying that "entertainment is suspected of bribery" due to the problem of receiving entertainment from a satellite broadcasting related company that violates the ethical code of national civil servants. On the 29th, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutor's Office did not prosecute the person.

Citizens' groups are in charge of general affairs when executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications received entertainment from the eldest son of Prime Minister Suga, who was the general manager of the satellite broadcasting related company "Tohokushinsha", in violation of the ethical code of national government employees. Twelve people, including the then general affairs deputy director and director of the provincial government, executives of Tohokushinsha, and the eldest son of Mr. Suga, alleged suspicion of bribery and filed criminal charges against the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office.

In response to this, the Special Investigation Department proceeded with the investigation, and on the 29th, all 12 people were not prosecuted due to insufficient suspicion.

On the other hand, the citizens'group has submitted a complaint to the Special Investigation Department on suspicion of bribery regarding the problem that the executives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications were entertained by NTT, but the complaint was not accepted by the citizens' group. It means that.