
Düsseldorf / Dortmund (dpa / lnw) - After controversial taser shots by the police in Dortmund, the responsible state office considers the use of the electric shock device to be “legally permissible and proportionate”.

"I agree with this assessment," said Interior Minister Herbert Reul (CDU) in a report to the state parliament.

The March 20 incident sparked debate in late April after a video of the operation became public.

As can be seen from the report to the Interior Committee, the sequence shows only a small part of the operation. In the morning, a local resident called the police because a strange drunk man was sleeping in the hallway. When officers woke the 22-year-old, he became aggressive. In the hallway, the officers shot the man with the electrodes for the first time. He got to his feet and attacked the police again. There was a second shot outside the front door - again without any effect. Ultimately, there was a third shot, which can also be seen on the video. With colleagues as reinforcement, the 22-year-old could be tied up.

Eyewitnesses and the Greens had expressed doubts about the operation in a WDR report.

The State Office for Central Police Services (LZPD) sees it differently: The rioter was too strong and aggressive to tame him like that.

Baton or pepper spray were out of the question.


© dpa-infocom, dpa: 210504-99-459781 / 2

WDR report on the Taser use in Dortmund

Report to the Interior Committee