Major League Baseball Otani Daiseki Hit while folding a bat 9:20 on September 1

Major League Angels Shohei Otani made the debut for the first time this season in the Mariners match on August 31st, breaking the bat and making a hit.

On August 31, Otani defeated the starting member for the first time in nine games at the Mariners' match in his hometown Anaheim on August 31, and was the first to hit this season for the first time in nine times.

Otani, who played as the first batter of this round, ran a ball for the in-course to Marco Gonzalez, the left arm of Mariners' ace, fold the bat in front of the light, and marked the second consecutive hit.

Otani was not good at hitting 33 pitches against the left pitcher so far this season, with only 3 hits, and made the first hit against Gonzalez in the fifth match.

In this match, Otani made 1 hit per hit with a batting average of 10:8:9, and the Angels lost 1 to 2.